Summer Camps 2024

*Campers 18 - 24 months can only attend Pre-Primary Camp two consecutive days/week. Cost will be pro-rated.









2 - 3 years

3 years - Rising K

Rising 1st - 6th grade

Rising 1st - 6th grade

Rising 1st - 6th grade

Rising 1st - 6th grade


9am - 1pm

9am - 1pm

9am - 1pm

9am - 1pm

9am - 1pm

9am - 1pm



$250/week until 4/15

$260/week after 4/6

$250/week until 4/15

$260/week after 4/16

$260/week until 4/15

$270/week after 4/16

$260/week until 4/15

$270/week after 4/16

$310/Week until 4/15

$320 after 4/16 (Supplies included)

$260/week until 4/15

$270 after 4/16 (Supplies included)

Session 1

June 3-7


The Gardener


Yoga & Art






Session 2

June 10-14


The Explorer


Moo-tastic Farm Adventure



Mrs. Becky’s Summer Art Camp


Session 3

June 17-21


The Zookeeper


Yoga & Art






Session 4

June 24-28


My Five Senses


Transportation Adventure




Mrs. Becky’s Summer Art Camp


July 1-5

AIA Closed

AIA Closed

AIA Closed

AIA Closed

AIA Closed

AIA Closed

Session 5

July 8-12


The Harvester


Creative Craft



Mrs. Becky’s Summer Art Camp


Session 6

July 15-19


Under The Sea


Zoo Safari







Information for All Campers:

All campers should bring a water bottle, morning snack and lunch. Campers should wear closed-toed
shoes.Please apply sunblock and bug spray if you wish, before sending your child to camp.


The Gardener with Mrs. Cook – Campers will be introduced to the life cycle of plants and learn about the
proper use of gardening tools.

The Explorer with Mrs. Cook – Campers will explore the great outdoors and learn about the critters that live in
the garden.

The Zookeeper with Mrs. Cook – Campers will learn about zoo animals, their natural habitats, the food they eat
and what it is like to be a zookeeper.

My Five Senses with Mrs. Cook – Campers will be introduced to the Montessori sensorial materials and
discover the power of their five senses.

The Harvester with Mrs. Cook – Campers will harvest the garden that was planted at the beginning of summer
and learn about how those plants nourish the body.

Under the Sea with Mrs. Cook – Campers will be delighted to learn of all the creatures that live under the sea.


Yoga & Art with Mrs. Yanez – Stretch your body, mind and creativity while attending this fun combination of yoga and
art camp.

Moo-Tastic Farm Adventure with Mrs.Guzman – A bilingual camp to discover the joy of farm life while learning
in English and Spanish! ¡Descubre la alegría de la vida en la granja mientras aprendes en inglés y español!

Transportation Adventure with Mrs. Guzman – A bilingual camp in which the campers will explore the exciting
world of planes, trains, automobiles, and more in English and Spanish.

Creative Craft with Mrs. Guzman – A bilingual camp where imagination knows no limits, kids explore creativity
in both English and Spanish! ¡Donde la imaginación no tiene límites, los niños exploran la creatividad en inglés
y español.

Zoo-Safari with Mrs. Guzman – A bilingual camp to explore the wild world in two languages! ¡Explora el mundo
salvaje en dos idiomas!


STEAM Camp for rising 1st – 6th graders with Mrs. Guzman – Campers will be engaged while combining science, technology, engineering, art, and math in fun and experimental ways.

Mrs. Becky’s Summer Art Camp – Campers will practice drawing and painting techniques while working with
different mediums such as watercolor, acrylic, and clay. They will also learn about famous artists. Each week will
have other art projects.

Engineering Camp for rising 1st – 6th graders with Mr. Feliciano – Campers will unlock creativity and
engineering skills through hands-on robotics projects. Designing with robots will be a hands-on learning
experience that promotes fun, creativity, problem-solving, and STEAM skills development.

Cooking Camp with Mrs. Garza – Campers will be preparing and sampling some of the diverse array of dishes
representing various countries & regions. (Please inform us if your child has any dietary restrictions)


*Campers 18 - 24 months can only attend Pre-Primary Camp two consecutive days/week. Cost will be pro-rated.

No camp refunds will be given. Credit will be given towards another camp if AIA is given a 2 week notice.

Information for All Campers:

All campers should bring a water bottle, morning snack and lunch. Campers should wear closed-toed
shoes.Please apply sunblock and bug spray if you wish, before sending your child to camp.


The Gardener with Mrs. Cook – Campers will be introduced to the life cycle of plants and learn about the
proper use of gardening tools.

The Explorer with Mrs. Cook – Campers will explore the great outdoors and learn about the critters that live in
the garden.

The Zookeeper with Mrs. Cook – Campers will learn about zoo animals, their natural habitats, the food they eat
and what it is like to be a zookeeper.

My Five Senses with Mrs. Cook – Campers will be introduced to the Montessori sensorial materials and
discover the power of their five senses.

The Harvester with Mrs. Cook – Campers will harvest the garden that was planted at the beginning of summer
and learn about how those plants nourish the body.

Under the Sea with Mrs. Cook – Campers will be delighted to learn of all the creatures that live under the sea.


Yoga & Art with Mrs. Yanez – Stretch your body, mind and creativity while attending this fun combination of yoga and
art camp.

Moo-Tastic Farm Adventure with Mrs.Guzman – A bilingual camp to discover the joy of farm life while learning
in English and Spanish! ¡Descubre la alegría de la vida en la granja mientras aprendes en inglés y español!

Transportation Adventure with Mrs. Guzman – A bilingual camp in which the campers will explore the exciting
world of planes, trains, automobiles, and more in English and Spanish.

Creative Craft with Mrs. Guzman – A bilingual camp where imagination knows no limits, kids explore creativity
in both English and Spanish! ¡Donde la imaginación no tiene límites, los niños exploran la creatividad en inglés
y español.

Zoo-Safari with Mrs. Guzman – A bilingual camp to explore the wild world in two languages! ¡Explora el mundo
salvaje en dos idiomas!


STEAM Camp for rising 1st – 6th graders with Mrs. Guzman – Campers will be engaged while combining science, technology, engineering, art, and math in fun and experimental ways.

Summer Art Camp – Campers will practice drawing and painting techniques while working with
different mediums such as watercolor, acrylic, and clay. They will also learn about famous artists. Each week will
have other art projects.

Engineering Camp for rising 1st – 6th graders with Mr. Feliciano – Campers will unlock creativity and
engineering skills through hands-on robotics projects. Designing with robots will be a hands-on learning
experience that promotes fun, creativity, problem-solving, and STEAM skills development.

Cooking Camp with Mrs. Garza – Campers will be preparing and sampling some of the diverse array of dishes
representing various countries & regions. (Please inform us if your child has any dietary restrictions)


Download Summer Camp Enrollment Form:

2024 Pre-Primary Enrollment

2024 Primary Enrollment

2024 Elementary Enrollment

2024 Un-Enrolled Students

Pizza Lunch form – Summer Camp